We're excited to feature today's Bold and Full woman, Amelia Earhart (July 24, 1897 – disappeared July 2, 1937).

Amelia Earhart was the queen of paving her own path. She was raised with the spirit of adventure, always being encouraged as a child to explore her neighborhood, climb trees, and get dirty. Well known for being the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, Amelia also set multiple aviation records, wrote best-selling books, and helped form The Ninety-Nines. She joined the faculty at Purdue University, and with clarity, counseled women on careers and inspired others with her love for aviation. She fought her whole life to create the life she wanted and never stopped pushig the limits. She owned her successes and her failures, always looking to reach new heights even up until her disappearance in 1937. Get it girl!

Get Amelia's Dahlia Chandelier Earrings.



September 23, 2015 — Courtney Brown

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