Spring Lookbook
I've been in a semi comatose state for nearly 3 days now. It appears that I have picked up a touch of the virus my carrier monkey children have been passing back and forth for the past month, and I am now the proud recipient of never-ending body aches and chills. Its the kind of sickness that hasn't completely wiped me out, and yet anything beyond watching adoption documentaries on Netflix or shopping Zulily on my phone - is completely exhausting and more than I have energy for.
This lookbook is the result of 6 packets of alkseltzer cold, a box of theraflu, and if I were being completely honest...maybe a percocet or two. What I'm trying to say is - thanks to modern medicine, my self control and common sense with my debit card flew out the window this weekend. And I can't be held accountable for my shopping actions. Here is a peak at a few of the things I found online:

H&M has once again psychically intuited that I needed to stock up on denim bermuda shorts. They came out with 3 different washes just for me.

AND this amazing red dress that I need for an upcoming wedding! I love the length and tiny sleeve! And depending on which necklace and shoes you wear this dress can turn out 50 different ways of stylish!

Zara invented these low rise laser cut skinny jeans with destressed detailing that are actually affordable! Just $59! This cropped length looks especially amazing with some high heels and a blazer - which has become sort of my go to look this spring.

Anthropologie has an extra 20% off sale items (code extraextra at checkout) so I scooped up these floral drawstring pants for my collection. I wish I had them on my person right this second instead of the unfortunate sweatshirt legging combo that has been my uniform for roughly 72 hours.

Zulily is an addiction for me. I check it every morning before I even get out of bed. If you arent doing the same - I beg of you. Sign up immediately. (here is my affiliate link: http://www.zulily.com/invite/thetopknot) If you sign up through me you can basically feel amazing because its like a charitable donation to my closet. And I am a needy shopping addict. I had to have these adorable black pants with hardware on the waistband. Because - hardware. And also because they were only $25!
And last but not least - the essential white pants. I liked these American Eagle ones because they have a trouser look versus the usual jeans that I wear and I think they will look amazing with just about every single button down shirt and graphic T that I own. Also....because they were only $39. Cant beat that. (sorry for the terrible photo - AE wont let me save a good image off their site!. Click the link to see the cuteness minus the graininess!)

I would be insane to not mention my favorite recently acquired graphic T courtesy of Cents of Style. Which just so happens to go perfectly with everything else I bought today! A truer statement has never been spoken than this one:

To complete my spring fever I am still on the lookout for an amazing leather bag. Something along these lines... although I wasn't quite sick enough to spend $280 on this one today:

So there you have it. My current lookbook of fashion cravings. I'm sure tomorrow I will wake up slightly sober from my medication and wonder if this was all some hazy wonderful shopping dream....and then quickly realize after looking at my blog that I am going to have to closely monitor the mail in the next few weeks so my husband doesn't see the madness that went on!
What are your current shopping obsessions? Have you found any favorite spring looks that I need to know about??? DO share!
Rachel Beal said:
OHMYGOSH I LOVE that red dress!!! Please tell me it’s for Keaton’s wedding?! Can’t wait!