Hey Carla, LOVE your sweater!
You might not recognize me....but Im the nerdy gal in glasses in the middle of this photo. And yes, I am rocking a legit sweatshirt circa 1994 that is bedazzled with roughly 4 bottles of white puff paint to make each beard as white as snow. What Im saying is -it can double as a bullet proof vest, thanks to the fact that there are 6 - count them - 6 SANTAS on my shirt here. To make it even more festive each Santa's hat is dangling with a real jingle bell, which I can only assume was hand sewn oh so delicately by a nice lady named Carla. (since her name is permanent markered in the bottom lefthand corner.) My friend Sheena picked this beauty up for me at the local DI for our very special annual ugly sweater party. It was an exceptional time involving vintage Christmas records, catering from Cafe Rio, and more hot glue in one room than I have seen in ALL of 2014. Which reminds me: my new years resolution for 2015 is going to be: USE MORE HOT GLUE! It was a really great time despite the fact that nobody dressed up like Mean Girls or busted out in a random flash mob of choreographed Jingle Bell Rock.
I made this slightly hilarious wooden ornament tree - complete with lopsided deer head topper, to hold the VERY hilarious vintage tart tin ornaments that I made for take home gifts for the attendees. I got a little sick of sustaining 3rd degree hot glue gun burns last sunday when I was constructing 70 of these babies....so they got craftier and craftier as I went along. Some of them ended up with ahem - quite a bit of glitter.
New Years 2015 resolution rewrite: forget hot glue! BUY MORE PRE-MADE STUFF!
Do you have an amazing ugly sweater??? Post it on instagram and tag me (@Christyatthetopknot) so I can admire your good taste!!!