Giveaway: Pure Barre!

I am so excited about today's giveaway!!! I have a genuine and unexpected love for Pure Barre, and have found it to truly be one of my MOST favorite things! As I was thinking about the experiences in my daily life that I would want to share with people as part of this week's giveaway, this was literally at the top of my list. (you know, right after shopping in Paris in the fall...)
I flirted with Pure Barre back in March of this year. And then we started bumping into each other on a weekly basis. After a month of nonstop dates I finally bought a membership and admitted to myself and the entire that world that I was smitten with and in a defined committed relationship with my local studio. Im just going to say it: I am married to Pure Barre. We belong together.
Every morning I am greeted by this lovely sight:

Happy to see me instructors (and sometimes Bogsley the dog) who make an effort to know my name, always express that they are glad that I made it, and immediately welcome me in. Its a positive atmosphere and I felt comfortable here even as an awkward newbie. (And boy was I awkward!!! I cannot stress this enough). I should also mention that prior to walking through those studio doors I had never EVER attended any sort of fitness class, or even so much as stepped foot inside a gym. I was intimidated by the mere thought of exercise. I tried to go jogging once 2 years ago and made it half way around the block before I came to my senses and returned home to the comfort of my electric blanket and Greys Anatomy on netflix.
So you may be curious how a girl like me ended up obsessed with an exercise class when I held such strict beliefs about physical activity being the root of all evil?! Well it went like this: I had 3 kids in 3 years, lost and gained a million pounds, abandoned any sort of fashion sense, entered frump girl phase, started leafing through piles of self help books along with sampling some cymbalta - and every aspect of my sad little existence NEEDED a mental outlet and a timeout from the black hole of motherhood! I finally reached down deep and found my inner cheerleader from 1998 and decided that some type of dance fitness was probably doable. I started by googling for an adult ballet class in my area...and it led me to Pure Barre.
I dragged my BFF along with me and we tucked through our first class together, because if you're gong to humiliate yourself it is always a good idea to bring along someone who can witness the hilarity! I was SO SO terribly lost and unskilled. And after my very first class I experienced a soreness that was unreal. There are no words. It did get easier each time I conquered another hour, but initially I felt like I had been in a full body car accident and tried to only move my limbs when it involved getting up to consume more advil. But by some miracle I kept at it, and little by little I got stronger and less awkward. I also started dragging more and more people to class with me. I call it the "I demand for you to know how amazing this is" effect.
I am a visual learner. So let me explain my muscular awakening via photography:
In class you hold plank for 90 seconds. Well.... you're Supposed to hold plank for 90 seconds.

Some of us just kind of lay there and hang out for a minute and a half.

You do these incredible moves that require intense mental strength to plow through. Like extending from the barre and pulsing your leg one million times until your whole body shakes like you're having a seizure. They call this "muscle fatigue".

I call it the perfect time to run to the bathroom, or adjust my pony tail, or pop up and admire my raccoon eyes in the mirror.

Every once in a while a miracle happens and I can TOTALLY NAIL a position.

Hahahaha. Just kidding. Im still working on correct form. Its a process!

Here during the pose that I lovingly refer to as "the muffin top killer" I was wondering what I was going to buy at Whole Foods on my way home from class....and if there was still dip leftover in the fridge from the night before.

Occupying your mind or "letting the music get you through it" are two very handy techniques I have learned. The instructors are really good at prompting you to stay in your poses and cranking up the tunes so all you have to do is hang on and shake.
By the end of class I feel two parts victorious - one part dead...glad its over and grateful I made it through another day!

There were a few undeniable 'selling points' for me about Barre.
1. First and foremost these classes are hands down the most effective way to tone up your entire body in 1 hour. End of story. After maybe 10 classes even my husband noticed that my legs and shoulders were toning up.

2. There is a dress code - no midriffs showing, pants must be below the knee, sticky socks highly recommended. I appreciated that this is not a show off your body in a naked sort of way establishment. It made it way less awkward for me to roll in there with my un-toned self without feeling like a before shot of an infomercial.

3. Occasionally there is a lone brave man soul who takes on a class - but predominately this is a ladies club. (Men are allowed and encouraged - its just rare.) What this means for me - is that I can roll into class without getting "flexed on" by guys who linger at the mirrors. This studio is NOT a meat market! You will not meet your future boyfriend tucking at the barre.
4. The classes are small - under 20 people. So each session feels like you are having an hour with a personal trainer. You will be corrected, encouraged, pushed to achieve, and uplifted by every single instructor and friend you shake with. There is a definite feeling of unity here. Like, if I were getting married again these people would probably be my bridesmaids.

5. And yet another reason I got completely obsessed with this experience, is because the classes are unlike anything I have ever done before, and the movements spoke to me. Its physical, mental...and somehow beautiful all rolled into one. You point your toes, lengthen your limbs, extend beyond your limits. All the while wearing cozy leg warmers and channeling your inner Jessie Spanno. "Im so excited and I just can't hide it!"
6. And of course the main reason I adore Pure Barre is that you can leave class without dripping in sweat or doing the walk of shame to your car with ruined hair and makeup. You can skip right out of that studio looking like a cast member of The Babysitter's Club.

I can't express how much I adore Pure Barre. It makes me feel amazing. It allows me to eat fancy plates of cheeses guilt-free whilst keeping a thigh gap. Its the BEST hour of my day and I want YOU to come along and join me in my fitness addiction!

And so would Boggsley. He would very much like for you to come also.

So, without further ado - I present to you todays awesome giveaway. One super lucky winner will be getting an entire UNLIMITED MONTH of Pure Barre Boise classes! Since each studio is individually owned, this giveaway is only for the Boise location. (If you're reading from out of town go here to locate a studio near you!)
In addition to your voucher for free classes, you will be receiving this adorable glass water bottle, and a pair of sticky socks so you can hold your poses like a boss!

And because I love ya, Im including one of my favorite Cents of Style work out tanks! So you can OWN IT when you come to class! Shoppers - go here to see the entire line of must-have workout tanks!

I will either personally deliver this package to the winner or ship it to you (tank top shipped separately). And if you're intimidated to start your month of transformation alone - say no more. I will link arms and escort you to your first class!
To win this amazing package just follow the directions below! *** Remember all giveaways end Monday Dec 8th at 9am!***
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rose Keller said:
I’m not sure if there is a pure barre class location in my city, but I might be willing to travel for this;)
Jerilyn said:
I’ve recently started taking barre, and I also take dance cardio classes. Pure Barre makes muscles sore that I didn’t even know I had…
Molly Seaman said:
I’m new to the pure barre scene and have also fallen madly in love with it. I have a love/hate relationship with the burn and shake that comes with every class. Barre is worth every one of the 55 minutes that I commit to it and I hope to be tucking for quite some time!
Lisa said:
Walking but I would love to give this a try.
girlfromwva said:
walking and hand weights.
Meghan Branham said:
Love yoga and zumba…haven’t tried barre yet, but looks like a great workout!
Jen Maier said:
My two best friends did Pure Barre all summer long (and were obsessed) while I was super pregnant and then with newborn so I could never join. Now that I’ve had my baby I am dying to try it to help get me back in shape!! Fingers crossed :)
Christina said:
I would love to try Pure Barre to mix up my workouts!
Laurie D said:
Love this post and love Pure Barre. It rocks for all ages and all bodies. Nina and team are amazing, always welcoming, encouraging and tell me I am stronger than I know. Who knew? I have been a runner, bike rider, hiker but nothing comes close to a Pure Barre 55 minutes.
Stacie said:
You are the best writer! And barre is bomb! I was just lying here in bed and thinking about how much stronger my core feels just after a few classes. Coupled with a tank from cents of style? I may cry a tad if I don’t win this one :) but really. Such a cute post!
Tonya Hylton said:
LOVE LOVE LOVE Pure Barre Boise. THE BEST workout, by far! I really miss it …
Jen said:
What an awesome giveaway! I’ve been wanting to try Pure Barre classes for a while and this would be the perfect opportunity to start! :)
colleen said:
yoga, bike riding & hiking! I’ve been wanting to try Pure Barre out! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!
Erika Bengtson said:
As a former ballet dancer, I have a very special place in my heart for Pure Barre. About 6 years ago I crushed my foot in a car accident and had to quit dancing. Pointe shoes, it turns out, don’t seem to cooperate with titanium very well! Pure barre—from it’s technique to the atmosphere of the class—reminds me so much of ballet and has allowed me to continue to pursue this passion, bionic foot and all! It is a fun, effective, truly inspiring class…and kicks you butt just like ballet does!
Erika Bengtson said:
As a former ballet dancer, I have a very special place in my heart for Pure Barre. About 6 years ago I crushed my foot in a car accident and had to quit dancing. Pointe shoes, it turns out, don’t seem to cooperate with titanium very well! Pure barre—from it’s technique to the atmosphere of the class—reminds me so much of ballet and has allowed me to continue to pursue this passion, bionic foot and all! It is a fun, effective, truly inspiring class…and kicks you butt just like ballet does!
Bridgette R said:
Zumba, but Barre looks awesome!!!
Amber said:
I love, love, love the Boise studio! Such a wonderful community of ladies to be apart of! Hilarious post!
Jeri said:
Pure Barre is my new favorite thing. I’m loving my emerging six-pack (and so is my man!).
kate said:
I enjoyin running but have added some barre classes to tone up. I would love a month pass, to feel the burn!
Christa said:
My favorite workout? Keeping up with my little people! ;) would LOVE to give this a try!
Dani said:
LOVE Pure Barre Boise!!
Marnie said:
I find Pure Barre is the perfect compliment to my mostly cardio workouts!
Lindsay said:
We all know I NEED this! My body is destroyed after baby number 4!
Megan Axtman said:
I LOVE PURE BARRE! And running :-)
Sara B said:
I try (TRY) to walk 10,000 steps every day, but I need to add some weight resistance exercises back in. I have been to Pure Barre before and love it!
Kelly said:
Absolutely love Pure Barre! My favorite part of class is when the instructor announces the last 10 tucks/pulses, etc. It makes me push that much harder to complete those last few moves and to not give up!
Emily said:
I love Pilates and yoga, though I’ll run outdoors when the weather is nice. I also like HIIT when I need to jumpstart my week, but I prefer lower impact exercise where I can focus and really feel the burn rather than just powering through a sweat session! I did one Pure Barre class and absolutely LOVED it! Maybe a class pass will be in my stocking this year… :)
Kelly said:
I love doing Zumba to stay fit. It never feels like a workout!
Cynthia said:
I absolutely love Pure Barre. Not only for the amazing workout but the instructors are awesome and that Boggsley is cutes pure pup ever! Pure Barre paired with running is my favorite way to stay fit. I haven’t been to the studio in a few months it’s time to go back!
Amanda Ortiz said:
I just had a baby four months ago and I have been dying to try Pure Barre. I have heard great things about it. I need so mommy time!
elizabeth said:
I’ve gotta try this class!
Lindsay Jensen said:
I have so many friends that love pure barre and I’ve been to one class before. I have to drive about 30 mins to get there which is what is holding me back from doing it more often. Would love to win this! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jessi Hoyt said:
I love this post and all the ladies at pure barre! Nina is a lululemon ambassador who is super inspiring, and the rest of the team is amazing! They all make an effort to learn your name and make every encounter personal. Fun blog to read!
Monica said:
Everything you say is true. I have been dealing with a stress fracture in my right tibia and have found that I miss the barre so much! I feel the most centered after a class.
Mary Helen Bergquist said:
Pure Barre Rocks!! Went to a class last week and I loved it!!!
Kacey said:
I went from Crossfit to Pure Barre and I love it! Those tiny movements are so challenging and the Barristas are always so friendly.
Megan said:
chasing my toddler!
Gina said:
My favorite workout is running with a group.
Summer DuPree said:
I have wanted to try Pure Barre in Boise for a while! My Winter break from BSU starts soon, and this would be wonderful excuse to get away from my kids for an hour every day! (Not that I don’t adore my children…)
Meghan said:
I have taken a few Barre classes & have really enjoyed the workout. I also am a huge fan of HIIT! I will be moving to Boise in a few weeks & am excited to hopefully give Pure Barre a try!
Ariel Johnson said:
I too LOVE PURE BARRE! Its such a great environment, filled with lovely ladies (and every week or two my man will join me as well). The teachers are great, and it really done tone things up!