Man Gifts 2014
Why is buying presents for men so impossibly hard!????? Why can't they like Sephora gift cards and new shoes like a normal person?! For the past month or so, I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with some creative gift ideas for the men in my life. (that sentence made me sound like I possibly have a boyfriend or two stashed away somewhere!). So if you're like me and you have a husband/boyfriend/dad/brother/brother in law/uncle/nephew who 1. already "has everything" or 2. Wants things like a weapon (gun, bow and arrow, or prison chiv) that you can't possibly even begin to locate let alone purchase.... then this list is for you! These are all doable gift ideas for grown up guys - because as we all know, sometimes they don't even know what they want until we show them :) Disclaimer: These are not paid endorsements. Just things I love!
1. A zip line kit.
Seriously how amazing is this idea??? If you're related to the adventurous/outdoorsey type and that trip to Costa Rica just wasn't in the budget this year...consider sailing over the grass in your own backyard! I found and ordered this exact very high quality one on Ebay for under $200 and purchased a separate seat to go along with it (you know, because the kids and I want to ride on it too!)
2. A cool wallet from J fold.
All of these awesome wallets are under $60. I have purchased my brother a wallet from here and also for an ex-boyfriend or two in Christmasses past. Styles range from hipster to cowboy. You can't go wrong.
3. A Meat Smoker!
This was hands down the best investment I made in my husband all year! For his birthday I bought him this beauty from Cabellas: The Masterbuilt Sportsman Elite. Amazingly on sale for $180 right now! This isnt the exact model we purchased, our doesn't have these leg thingies...but its an electric smoker (not propane) that uses wood chips which you can buy at Cabellas for about $7 a bag. Throw a few favorite meats in the freezer to sweeten the deal and you have yourself a delicious little gift that keeps on giving all year round! (Tip:Pizza and Vegetables are divine cooked in the smoker!)
I have had my eye on this little box of freedom for a long time - and this is the year it is finally making its way to our home! My kids are getting older and more aware of what is on our TV, and this gives us the ability to watch whatever we want without worrying about language, nudity, or sexual content popping on screen. My neighbor told me that it was unusually affordable right now - because it is on backorder and wont ship until after Christmas. But for $299 you get the player and a 3 year subscription to the filters needed to use the player. I printed out a picture of it for Gabe to open and we will enjoy it in January! I can't wait to binge on all the movies we haven't rented in the past because of crazy content! Its a splurge - but again, something everyone in the home will use and enjoy.
5. The BEST tasting protein Powder ever: Syntha-6
If you have a fitness buff in your life I can HIGHLY recommend this amazing pre/post workout powder. It came endorsed from my very muscular friend Justin, and we were NOT disappointed. It comes in delectable flavors like chocolate milkshake and vanilla ice cream. I am sorry to say that I drank a LOT of this stash of powder.....and I was not working out at the time! It was just so delicious! Check it out at your local vitamin shop, GNC, or on Amazon!
6. Custom Phone Case
I hopped on Etsy and ordered up a leather phone case for my husband last year. He uses it daily and it is one of his most favorite gifts ever! He grew up on a farm and I had the phone case printed with his family "B" brand. However, if I could order it over again I would buy this amazing plastic shell with one of a one of a kind custom cut out. I think its amazing! And only $20. You send the image, they cut the case.
Annnnnd - thats all I've got. My poor husband has been the recipient of some pretty crafty gifts in the past: a custom money clip that broke instantly , books he's never once attempted to open let alone read, and an entire Ben Sherman wardrobe that was 3 sizes too small. I had to remind him that sometimes the gift of an AWESOME wife is worth more than anything money can buy ;)
Good luck in your man shopping adventures! Whats the best gift you've ever come up with for your men?? Please share!
Rebecca said:
One time I just could not figure out what in the world to get my husband. The only thing he said he wanted was cold, hard cash. So I froze a bunch of money in blocks of ice…I put the bills in ziplocks first, and then I wrapped up the frozen money. It was pretty funny!