It is our human nature to wonder about the future.  It's our natural instinct to anticipate the outcome because it has been hardwired as a predictor of "survival" following thousands of years of human evolution.  It's no wonder we worry and stress and feel overwhelmed.  But is it necessary?  Does it actually serve us or make our lives less challenging?  OR, do we have the power to control the way we look at life?!  Can we shift our perspective?
Instead of wondering, "What's the WORST that could happen?" could we consider, "What's the BEST  that could happen?"
These powerful words are the inspiration behind our newest, most uplifting graphic launch to date!  And we couldn't be more excited...because what's the BEST that could happen?!?
The late, great, Wayne Dyer said,  "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality." 
Which basically means that your thoughts create your reality.  Your positive or negative emotions determine a positive or negative experience.  If the decision is yours, which one would you rather choose?
No, we cannot change certain circumstances and we cannot change others who may cause us pain, but we CAN look for the many things that bring beauty into our lives day after day.  There is SO. MUCH. BEAUTY.
Wayne Dyer also said,  "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
So, is there truth to the age old expressions about, "looking on the bright side", "the cup half full", and "giving the benefit of the doubt"?
We truly believe that there is good in every moment and joy through the trials.  It's not easy and it's not 'all or nothing', but hard and wonderful can coexist, they DO coexist, it's just whether we CHOOSE to see the good through the bad.  And which of those emotions actually serve you?  Which feelings give you hope instead of dread?
Love, peace, calm, comfort, acceptance, kindness, hope, determination, courage, inspiration etc, etc.
If the choice really is YOURS...then why not choose HAPPY, because....
What's the BEST that could happen?!
August 15, 2022 — Courtney Brown

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